
In my seventh year of teaching at a large state school. Always learning and trying to improve.

Interested in the gender imbalance in physics A Level take up and trying to address it as best I can in my classroom.

Constantly working on improving my experience and confidence with practical physics. I’m much more at home with theory.

This blog is to help me reflect and learn and I hope it will also help other teachers in some way. šŸ™‚

Can be found on twitter: @missaudsley

1 Response to About

  1. Adam says:

    Hey @missaudsley

    I have just set up a new website http://www.thatllyeachyou.co.uk

    That’ll teach you is an online market place for Teachers and PGCE Students to trade lesson plans and material. I would love to see some of your lesson plans / white board plans on there! We also do guest blogs if you wanted one of your blogs to feature.

    Kind Regards


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